AIC Level Two Syllabus

Testing hours:
19.5 hrs testing time at JSI test site (3 days at 8 hrs per day, including lunch and break times - 6.5 hrs actual testing per day), OR 3 months time limit for proctored test of 19.5 hrs testing time.
1 project and a written exam.
100 points possible - 70 must be correct to pass, time over penalty = 5 points per 30 minutes.
Day 1:
Written exam:
1 hr - 40 questions (30 points in total)
Project 1) Oval prong pendant setting - wire: 5.5 hrs (soldered) - 25 points
1.3mm (16ga) round wire x 304.8mm (1’) (wire work)
0.8mm (20ga) round wire x 304.8mm (1’) (scroll work)
12 x 20 oval faceted Cubic Zirconia
Hard / Medium-Hard / Easy Argentium solder (fabrication)
Fabrication - bale:
No tool marks on bale
Bale is symmetrical
Bale size is proportionate to pendant
Soldering - bale to pendant:
Solder is not excessive
Solder is complete
Bale is centered
Bale is not crooked
Fabrication - basket:
Upper gallery wire is slightly smaller than size of stone
Upper gallery oval is slightly larger than bottom oval gallery wire
Upper gallery is properly oval in shape
Lower gallery is properly oval in shape
Gallery wires are parallel and evenly spaced
Prongs are at a 70 degree angle (5 degrees variance allowed)
Prongs are evenly spaced
No excess solder on prongs at junction of gallery wires
No visible tool marks on prongs
Stone is level
Stone is straight (not crooked)
Seats for stone are cut properly with no excess light showing under stone
Prongs contact stone on crown pavilion
Prongs contact on crown pavilion is no less than 30% and no more than 50%
Stone is not chipped or damaged in setting
Polishing and finishing:
Finish is high polish
No visible tool marks on wires
No visible polishing compounds, fingerprints or watermarks
Day 2:
Fabrication - locket:
No pits in solder seams
Solder is not excessive
Locket is round
Locket snaps closed
No visible tool marks on locket
No pits in seams of picture bezels
Insert picture bezels are round and centered
Insert picture bezels are tight fit and do not fall out
No visible tool marks on insert picture bezels
Locket hangs level
Polishing and finishing:
Finish is high luster, matt or high polish Finish is high luster, matt or high polish
No visible tool marks
No visible polishing compounds, fingerprints or watermarks
Day 3:
Fabrication - box:
Box has square 90 degree corners
Box is made to size specification: 10mm x 10mm (1mm allowance)
Sides are flat
Sides are parallel and evenly spaced
Hole has even and parallel opening
Hole is proper size for tongue
No visible excess solder
Fabrication - tongue:
Tongue is properly shaped to size specification: 8mm x 12mm (1mm allowance)
Tongue makes a clicking sound when inserted
Tongue does not wobble in opening
Tongue releases properly and does not bind
Tongue is shaped properly
Tongue is hardened (a hardened tongue will click better)
Polishing and finishing:
Finish is high luster or mattFinish is high luster or matt
No visible tool marks on tongue
No visible tool marks on box
No visible polishing compounds, fingerprints or watermarks