AIC Level One Syllabus

Testing hours
19.5 hrs testing time at JSI test site (3 days at 8 hrs per day, including lunch and break times - 6.5 hrs actual testing per day), OR 3 months time limit for proctored test of 19.5 hrs testing time.
6 projects and a written exam.
150 points possible - 105 must be correct to pass, time over penalty = 5 points per 30 minutes
Day 1:
Written exam:
1 hr - 25 questions (50 points in total)
Project 1) Stacking ring: 1.5 hrs (fused) - 10 points
2mm (12ga) wire x 203.2mm (8”) (ring stack)
Rings are size 7 (tolerance of ¼ size)
Rings are stacked straight
Rings are round
Rings are all the same size
Rings are even thickness throughout with no thin spots
Seams between rings are not under-fused (dark shadow between rings indicates weak contact)
Seams between rings are not over-fused and flooded (fail - must redo)
Polishing and finishing:
(Timing does not include time in the kiln to harden)
No visible tool marks
Finish is high polish
No scratches inside ring
No visible polishing compounds, fingerprints or watermarks
Project 2) Ring with bezel: 4 hrs (fused and soldered) - 20 points
1.3mm (16ga) sheet x 9mm (0.354”) x 60mm (2.362”) (ring blank)
9 x 7 oval cab
0.5mm (24ga) sheet x 4mm (0.157”) x 30mm (1.181”) (step bezel)
0.5mm (24ga) sheet x 2mm (0.079”) x 30mm (1.181”) (step bezel)
Hard / Medium-Hard Argentium solder (soldering bezel into shank, or may be fused)
Ring is size 7 (tolerance of ¼ size)
Ring is round
Thickness of ring is even throughout (no thin spots)
Bezel is correct height
Bezel is soldered straight (not crooked on shank)
Bezel is touching stone with no gaps
Hammered texture is even throughout
Fusing and soldering:
(Option of fusing or soldering)
Bezel is fused properly with no pits in seam
Texture on shank is not flooded with solder where bezel meets shank
No excess solder visible inside ring
Stone is level
Stone is straight, not crooked
Stone is not scratched
Stone is set at proper height in bezel
Burnished or bright cut edge of bezel next to stone
Polishing and finishing:
(Timing does not include time in the kiln to harden)
Seam is invisible on bezel
No visible tool marks on bezel
Side edges of ring are filed and finished
Edges have no tool marks
Finish is high polish with no visible polishing compounds, fingerprints or watermarks
Day 2:
Project 3) Hollow form half round ring: 2.5 hrs (choice of fused or soldered) - 10 points
0.8mm (20ga) sheet x 10mm (0.394”) x 153mm (6”) (ring blanks)
Hard / Medium-Hard / Easy Argentium solder (fabrication)
Ring is size 7 (tolerance of ¼ size)
Ring is round
Ring is even thickness throughout using or soldering
No visible seam
No pits in seam
Polishing and finishing:
(Timing does not include time in the kiln to harden)
No visible tool marks
Edges of ring finished with no scratches
No scratches inside ring
Finish is high polish
No visible polishing compounds, fingerprints or watermarks
Project 4) Pendant with bezel and bale: 4 hrs (fused and soldered) - 35 points
(wirework and granules)
8 x 6 cab onyx
Medium Argentium solder (soldering bale)
Fabrication - bale:
Bale is symmetrical
Bale is formed to a proper shape with no kinks
Movement is not binding
Jumpring is proper size (1mm to 1.5mm ID)
Fusing is complete and not under-fused and weak (shadowunder wires)
Bale is not over-fused (fail - must redo)
Bale has the right amount of play (no excess length of wire going through jumpring)
Jumpring is centered on pendant
Fabrication - pendant:
Wires are evenly spaced
Wires are round
Pendant is round
Wires are not over-fused and flooded
Wires are not under-fused with shadows under them
Granules are consistent size
Granules are not over-fired and flooded (fail - must redo)
Granules are not under-fired and weak (dark shadow underneath)
Soldering - bale:
Solder is not excessive
Bezel is proper height
Bezel seat is cut to proper depth
Bezel covers proper amount of stone
Stone is not scratched
Stone is straight
Stone is level
Burnished or bright cut edge of bezel next to stone
Polishing and finishing:
Fused seams of wires are invisible
No visible tool marks on wires
Bezel has no tool marks
Inside circle has no tool marks
No scratches on base sheet
Finish is even and lustrous
Edges are finished on bale
No tool marks on bale
Edges of round pendant are smooth and finished
Edges of round pendant have no scratches or tool marks
No visible polishing compounds, fingerprints or watermarks
Day 3:
Project 5) Hollow form lentil bead: 2.5 hrs (fused) - 15 points
0.65mm (22ga) discs x 25.4mm (1”) diameter x 2pcs (discs for bead)
0.8mm (20ga) wire x 609.6mm (24”) (wirework for bead)
Domed halves are same curvature (one not deeper than the other)
Seam is fused evenly
Seam meets properly (filed to meet at point)
Domes are same size (one does not stick out past the other)
Bead is lentil shape
Bead is not ‘out of round’
Holes are centered
Wires are not over-fused and flooded (fail - must redo)
Wires are not under-fused with shadows under them
Polishing and finishing:
Holes are finished inside with no tool marks
Finish is even and lustrous
No tool marks on base
No visible tool marks on wires
No scratches on domes
No visible polishing compounds, fingerprints or watermarks
Project 6) Chain and clasp: 4 hrs (choice of fused or soldered) - 10 points
1.3mm (16ga) x 914.4mm (36”) (chain links)
2mm (12ga) x 152.4mm (6”) (toggle and bar)
Hard / Medium-Hard / Easy Argentium solder (fabrication)
Links are round
Links are even size - dowel size 3/16” (5mm)
Toggle functions properly
Chain is 177.8mm (7”) length - 6.35mm (0.25”) variance allowed
Soldering or fusing:
No excess solder on links
No excess solder on toggle clasp
Seams are not visible
Polishing and finishing:
No visible tool marks on clasp
No visible tool marks on wires
Finish is bright and lustrous
No visible polishing compounds, fingerprints or watermarks